I could write at great length about the subject of handbags, but I will be short here and write only that I love them a lot. Oh, and I collect them. Okay, okay, calling myself a "collector" is perhaps a not-so-clever way to mask an obsession—fine, I'll admit it. I consider the tote to be a cousin to the handbag and I picked up this one today. I wasn't shopping for a new bag when I went into Fred Segal and saw that the salesperson was holding this, looking for a spot on the already-filled shelving display. I saw the side of the bag and said, "Ooh, I’ll take it." She thanked me for saving her the trouble of rearranging the display and I felt very helpful. Seriously, it made me laugh when I saw it hanging from her arm. (It's from 2k by Gingham, by the way.) I also have an AC/DC sweatshirt, which I picked up at a thrift store. While I like AC/DC as much as the next girl who loves rock & roll, the reason I bought it was because it's that old, soft, broken-in fleece you can only find vintage. The sweatshirt happens to be my most talked-about item of clothing. I usually wear it to get coffee in the morning or to jog on the boardwalk by the beach and someone always gives me the devil horns finger sign or starts singing AC/DC songs—usually “Back in Black.” So, you see why I really needed to have this bag.