Here's my goldfish, Henry VIII. He's requested an introduction to
Wendy B, who has a most excellent "Thursday Book Club" post today on Katherine Swynford that mentions the other Henry the 8th. My Henry is my favorite kind of pet, especially because I don't have to pick up his poop. He was named for the neighbor's goldfish, whose name was Henry Herbert Something-Else (I forgot the third name). That Henry was originally a one-named fish who shared a bowl with two other fish (Herbert and the fish whose name I can't recall), but then Henry ate them and inherited their names. When the neighbors were away last month, we watched Henry Herbert Something-Else and he was the craziest fish I'd ever encountered. Not surprisingly, he was large for a goldfish and he was always hungry. I was sad to give him back and immediately drove to the pet store to get one to keep. I went for the craziest one in the tank and because Henry II seemed too boring a name (I can tell you nothing about Henry II), we skipped several generations and named him after the interesting one. I began to speak to Henry VIII in a British accent but Mr. MVP think he's French and has taken to calling him Henri. He likes long swims around the bowl and hanging out under his rocks and his appetite is as hearty as the neighbor's, although we have not yet given him a chance to off (or eat) anyone else's head.