Wednesday, March 31, 2010
3D Street Art Graffiti

How To Write Graffiti Alphabet?
Things You'll Need: * Pencil (2H, 9B)
* Color pencils
* Reference guide * Sketch paper
1. Step 1
Determine the style of graffiti alphabet you want to create. Some styles include graffiti alphabet bubble, wavy and jagged. Each of These styles have specific Characteristics. To make a consistent graffiti alphabet, it's Important to choose one style and stay with it. Mixing styles will from the make your alphabet is chaotic. Bubble, wavy and jagged are the oldest, most widely recognized styles. Bubble is a good beginning choice Because the letters are round and fat.
2. Step 2
Start with a hard tipped pencil, Standard and Poor '3H or 2H. Will this allow you to draw the outline of your letters lighter. Use a full sketch for Each letter sheet. Start with A and work your way through the alphabet. For bubble letters, place your pencil on the paper Wherever you feel comfortable and draw the letters in as Few movements as possible, lifting your pencil from the paper away Pls only absolutely Necessary to avoid crossing your parts of your letters over one another. The key is to overdraw your letters, Almost in caricature style, so they want well-rounded look and fat. For the bubble style, avoid using in the hard, straight lines. Keep a handy reference chart Until you have fully mastered the style (see Resources).
3. Step 3

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Graffti Creator : How to Make Graffiti Alphabet ?
Graffiti Creator
# Step 1
Research Different types of graffiti. Since graffiti is an individual expression, Become familiar with how graffiti artists have formed on their letters and expressions. Use examples for inspiration and a style guide as you develop your own style of expression.
#Step 2
Take your paper and pencil. Start with one or two letters alphabet. Using the pencil, draw Them in large capital letters on the paper. Leave lots of space Between Each letters so there is' Plenty of room to Modify Each letter.
#Step 3
Some of the Round Corners on the letters. If you like bubble letters, 'Modify the letters to look like bubbles. Each letter Vary. Some Can be round; Some cans have hard, squared or jagged edges. Exaggerate an aspect of Each Letter. Make Some of the spaces within Each letter Smaller or larger than would normally be the case. Remember: 'there is no rule. You are the artist, experiment and create your personal style.
#Step 4
Choose a marker. Use your favorite color or colors Different Trust. Outline the letters. Follow your original pattern or Vary the lines in the letters with bold Some strokes. Use color. Be bold. Be creative as you draw.
#Step 5
The thickness of the lines on the letters Should be Different. Make Some of the lines on Each letter Thicker than Others for visual interest. Shade the lines. Shading will from the add a dimensional effect.
#Step 6
Add details to the letters. Use Hands That Grip the bar of a letter. Add stars within or outside the letters. Add eyes to peek out of the spaces in the letters or in-Between the letters. Surround the letter with a bubble. Use Arrows squiggles to highlight a part of a letter or the entire letter.

How To Write Graffit Style : Graffiti Creator

Alphabet Graffiti Letters Art Design
# Step 1
Pick a word to write in graffiti letters. Maybe use your nickname. Write this word in your normal style with a thick marker on a piece of paper. Do not be shy; use a big sheet of paper and make large letters.
#Step 2
Outline your letters with the thick marker. You are not tracing over the old lines; you are outlining the original strokes of your marker.
#Step 3
Repeat this process outlining Until your letters touch Each other or overlap.
#Step 4
Place a sheet of tracing paper over what you have done. Lightly trace just the Outlines of your letters with a pencil.
#Step 5
Transfer the tracing to a fresh sheet of paper.
#Step 6
Round off the Corners of your letters outlined. Go over the lines with a pen or marker. Fill in the outlined shapes of the letters with color.
#Step 7
Congratulations, you have just made a simple, balloon style graffiti letters.

Monday, March 29, 2010
Wild Style Graffiti Street Art

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Graffiti alphabet typical light bright white

Tag 3D Graffiti, Tagging graffiti alphabet writing, Graffiti tribal, Typical Graffiti, Digital 3D Arrow Graffiti Alphabet, Digital 3D Design Graffiti Alphabet.
Alphabet Graffiti Font Style
Sketch Graffiti Alphabet on Letters A-Z Style with Black Color
Please give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....
Two Style Free Graffiti Fonts for your Designs

Two Style Free Graffiti Fonts for Your Designs Zit labeled ReskaGraf Graffiti and graffiti etlah provide examples of populer.kita possible to make a good design then you have to understand how to write correct.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
graffiti font featuring one hand written graffiti alphabets

fgraffiti font featuring one hand written graffiti alphabet. Also included are all numbers and punctuation as well as dozens of other text and graffiti symbols. The latest build of this font uses virtualy the same characters for the uppercase and lowercase keys.
Penguins Graffiti Alphabet Characters
Please give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....
Friday, March 26, 2010
k graffiti alphabet letter small

k graffiti alphabet small letter as an example for graffiti lovers and can be an inspiration for you.if you already have a graffiti letter k as above and give suggestions for future development.
Orange and Black Graffiti Alphabet Latter Designs

Orange and Black Graffiti Alphabet Latter Designs is a unique art and appropriate for the trophy, as you see that ii can make inspiration.

Prabu Basudewa sangat sayang kepada keluarganya.
Basudewa pandai olah keprajuritan dan mahir memainkan senjata panah dan lembing.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Murals Graffiti Street Art Design
wonderful graffiti alphabets fonts by the carriage

wonderful graffiti alphabets fonts by the carriage, Hope this not vandalism. The alphabets colored in blue gradation and detail in pink and blue line. Taking black as the background make the wonderful graffiti alphabets fonts b the carriage have lined with white-red combo, for the sake of its shape.
wonderful graffiti alphabets fonts by the carriage. This gold image railed with white surround it. The background on the top of the alphabets change in magenta, different from their bottoms which take black as its theme colors. Seem to me that magenta is original color of carriage. Because magenta in rich the appearance, so the color stays.
Tribal graffiti alphabets

Tribal graffiti alphabets sure has its own way to decorate most surface, even for a clothes.The blue color of the T-shirt take as the background of the graffiti. And with the combination of white and gold, modify alphabets embedded nicely.This T-shirt by the picture can be your new goal as writer to achieve. With that kind of modification I’m positively guaranty that will work to attract attention. Coz after all Tribal graffiti alphabets made for drawing people attention for further notification on the issues of the writers include in his Tribal graffiti alphabets.Making the T-shirt cool enough to be wanted.
3d graffiti alphabets as colorful

graffiti alphabets as colorful as this one, like what the picture shows was not easily to create.That complicated colors mix and shape need cooperation and arrangement to be able to appeals as well as we see it now. Still arrowed alphabets for favorite modification choice, and in this graffiti alphabets the colors make the looks more attractive. Mix on blue and green, and pink shading, alphabets of this graffiti looks lively. The background also have multicolor as well. The image of that guy with the hat completed the 3d graffiti alphabets as colorful.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Silsilah dari Kerajaan Mandura PRABU BASUKUNTI

Silsilah dari Kerajaan Mandura
PRABU BASUKUNTI atau WASUKUNTI yang waktu mudanya bernama Suradewa, adalah putera sulung Prabu Wasukunteya, raja Negara Mandura dengan permaisuri Dewi Sungganawati.
Basukunti mempunyai adik kandung bernama Kuntadewa, yang setelah menjadi raja negara Boja bergelar Prabu Kuntiboja.
Prabu Basukunti menikah dengan Dewi Dayita, putri Prabu Kunti, raja Boja.
Dari perkawinan tersebut ia memperoleh 4 ( empat ) orang putra masing-masing bernama:
Arya Basudewa,
Dewi Prita/Dewi Kunti,
Arya Prabu Rukma dan
Arya Ugrasena.
Prabu Basukunti mempunyai sifat dan perwatakan; berani, cerdik pandai, arif bijaksana dan suka menolong.
Setelah usianya lanjut, ia menyerahkan tahta kerajaan Mandura kepada putra sulungnya, Arya Basudewa dan hidup sebagai brahmana sampai meninggal.
Artikel diambil dari http://ki-demang.com/gambar_wayang/03-wayang-aksara-b-mainmenu-677/26-basukunti-solo-mainmenu-767.html

Silsilah dari Kerajaan Mandura


DEWI MADRIM atau Dewi Madri adalah putri Prabu Mandrapati, raja negara Mandaraka dengan permaisuri Dewi Tejawati.
Dewi Madrim mempunyai kakak kandung bernama Narasoma, yang setelah menjadi raja Mandaraka bergelar Prabu Salya.
Dewi Madrim menikah dengan Prabu Pandu, raja negara Astina dan menjadi permaisuri ke dua mendampingi Dewi Kunti.
Dari perkawinan tersebut, ia berputra dua orang kembar yang diberi nama Nakula dan Sadewa.
Dewi Madrim berwatak penuh belas kasih, setia, sabar dan Wingit.
Akhir riwayat Dewi Madrim diceritakan, ia terjun kedalam Pancaka (api pembakaran jenazah) ikut bela pati atas kematian suaminya, Prabu Pandu. Kedua putra kembarnya, Nakula dan Sadewa yang masih bayi kemudian diasuh oleh Dewi Maerah.
Artikel diambil dari http://ki-demang.com/gambar_wayang/13-wayang-aksara-m-mainmenu-688/05-madrim-solo-mainmenu-951.html

DEWI KUNTI atau Dewi Prita (Mahabrata) adalah putri kedua Prabu Basukunti, raja negara Mandura dengan permaisuri Dewi Dayita, putri Prabu Kunti, raja Boja.
Dewi Kunti mempunyai tiga orang saudara kandung bernama; Arya Basudewa, Arya Prabu Rukma dan Arya Ugrasena.
Dewi Kunti menikah dengan Prabu Pandu, raja negara Astina, putra Bagawan Abiyasa dengan Dewi Ambiki.
Dari perkawinan tersebut ia memperoleh tiga orang putra bernama; Puntadewa, Bima/Werkundara dan Arjuna.
Sebelum menikah dengan Prabu Pandu, Dewi Kunti telah mempunyai seorang putra dari Bathara Surya sebagai akibat kesalahannya merapal/membaca mantera Aji Pepanggil/Aji Gineng ajaran Resi Druwasa.
Putranya tersebut bernama Basukarna/Aradea atau Suryatmaja yang setelah menjadi raja di negara Awangga dikenal dengan nama Adipati Karna.
Dewi Kunti sangat menyenangi dan mempelajari ilmu-ilmu kejiwaan/kebatinan.
Dewi Kunti berwatak penuh belas kasih, setia dan wingit.
Dengan penuh kecintaan ia mengasuh dan mendidik dua orang anak tirinya. Nakula dan Sadewa, putra Prabu Pandu dengan Dewi Madrim, melebihi kecintaannya pada putra-putranya sendiri.
Akhir riwayatnya diceritakan, Dewi Kunti mati moksa bersama-sama dengan Dewi Gandari dan Prabu Drestarasta setelah selesainya perang Bharatayuda.
Artikel diambil dari http://ki-demang.com/gambar_wayang/11-wayang-aksara-k-mainmenu-685/42-kunti-solo-mainmenu-941.html