Best Graffiti
Graffiti Art
Luxury Graffiti

Friday, July 31, 2009

Stencil Color - Cool Graffiti Arrows On The Wall

graffiti alphabet
Stencil Color - Cool Graffiti Arrows On The Wall
Creator of graphic color printing on them in many ways. Often in painting - in etching, the print filter, cukil wood and lino cut - applied with the plate, board or a separate screen or by using the approach reductionist. Coloring techniques in multi-plat, there are a number of plate, screen or board, who each produce a different color. Each plate, screen or the board will be given a separate ink with different colors and then applied to the particular phase to generate the entire image. Average used 3 to 4 plate, but sometimes a graphic artist to use the plate with seven. Each application of color will interact with the other colors that have been applied to the paper, so need to be before the separation of colors. Usually the color of the light is applied first and then to a darker color.

Reductionist approach to start with the color of wood or board Lino empty or with a simple sketch. Then artists mencukilnya more information, color and print them again. Lino or wood part ofcolor
Creator of graphic color printing on them in many ways. Often pewarnaannya - in etching, the print filter, cukil wood and linocut - applied with the plate, board or a separate screen or by using the approach reduksionis. Coloring techniques in multi-plat, there are a number of plate, screen or board, who each produce a different color. Each plate, screen or the board will be given a separate ink with different colors and then applied to the particular phase to generate the entire image. Average used 3 to 4 plate, but sometimes a graphic artist to use the plate with seven. Each application of color will interact with the other colors that have been applied to the paper, so need to be before the separation of colors. Usually the color of the light is applied first and then to a darker color.

Reduksionis approach to start with the color of wood or board Lino empty or with a simple sketch. Then artists mencukilnya more information, color and print them again. Lino or wood part of color
Creator of graphic color printing on them in many ways. Often pewarnaannya - in etching, the print filter, cukil wood and linocut - applied with the plate, board or a separate screen or by using the approach reduksionis. Coloring techniques in multi-plat, there are a number of plate, screen or board, who each produce a different color. Each plate, screen or the board will be given a separate ink with different colors and then applied to the particular phase to generate the entire image. Average used 3 to 4 plate, but sometimes a graphic artist to use the plate with seven. Each application of color will interact with the other colors that have been applied to the paper, so need to be before the separation of colors. Usually the color of the light is applied first and then to a darker color.

Reduksionis approach to start with the color of wood or board Lino empty or with a simple sketch. Then artists removed more information, color and print them again. Lino or wood part of removed akan expose (not overwrite) the color that has been printed before.

Graphic techniques such as on-Chine Colle or monotype, grafis sometimes only paint color as a painter and print.

Subtraktif the concept of color is also used in offset printing or digital printing, in the software vektorial or bitmap displayed in the CMYK color space or another.l will expose (not overwrite) the color that has been printed before.

Graphic techniques such as on-Chine Colle or monotype, grafis sometimes only paint color as a painter and print.

Subtraktif the concept of color is also used in offset printing or digital printing, in the software vektorial or bitmap displayed in the CMYK color space or another. will expose (not overwrite) the color that has been printed before.

Graphic techniques such as on-Chine Colle or mono type, grafis sometimes only paint color as a painter and print.

Subtractive the concept of color is also used in offset printing or digital printing, in the software vektorial or bitmap displayed in the CMYK color space or another.


Gambar di atas adalah potret Candi Prambanan terbaru setelah terjadinya gempa bumi yang meluluhlantakkan bangunan candi yang telah mengalami restorasi bangunan yang ada, hingga kini harus mulai dari awal kembali untuk melakukan perbaikan seperti semula.
Gambar ini memperlihatkan kegagahan candi yang masih berdiri tegar setelah terjadinya gempa di daerah Jogyakarta, Klaten dan wilayah sekitarnya yang memakan korban nyawa, rumah serta harta benda lainnya yang membawa pesan kemanusian dari Yang Maha Kuasa kepada insannya di dunia ini.

Ini lho, para guru SMKN 2 Kendal yang telah berhasil menjadikan Sekolah bertaraf Internasional pada saat studi tour bersama siswa-siswinya di Jogyakarta menyempatkan diri mengunjungi keadaan Candi Prambanan saat ini setelah terjadinya gempa.

How to Make Graffiti 3-dimensional ?

graffiti alphabet

How to Make Graffiti 3-dimensional?

Graffiti numerous types ranging from the abstract, wild style, bubble, and 3 dimensions. In this post I want to give a little explanation on how to create 3-dimensional graffiti.

First of all you must do is create a sketch on a paper image.
and you find an empty wall and you paint the base color of white that can ignites pilox on the wall.
after that to prepare 3-dimensional sketch graffiti that you have created.
pilox prepare you prepare.
if you are a beginner and still in doubt (still scared) holds pilox you should make a sketch on the wall using pencil first, but if you are a professional simply use pilox but should not use the color black pilox first.
oh yes do not forget before you make a sketch on the wall should you prepare MAL. What is MAL? Mal is a tool for use in the liner in the wall, made of paper Mal / cardboard / plywood / Koran. How to create the MAL prepare you like cardboard cut into two sections hold your folding straight. And the straight edges that will be used as a ruler on the wall.
MAL is ready and after you have made a sketch on the wall and you start coloring sketches that you created on the wall. To have graffiti 3-dimensional relief you need to prepare a fitting color for shapes such as light green color and shadow to be a bit darker green color in order to generate ignites.
ago at the graffiti coloring look so neat and beautiful MAL should use that you have created earlier.
after that the graffiti has been neat to live you give a black and white blur on the shadow.
then you will produce 3-dimensional form of graffiti.
successful and hopefully successful. Progressive graffiti in Indonesia. "Respect to art."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Term in Graffiti Alphabet

Graffiti Alphabet

term in graffiti

1. batlle: A contest between Crews, judged on hits.
2. Bomb: color tag in large bubble letters.
3. Buff: To remove graffiti
4. Crew: Group tag the same individual.
5. Caps: (Fat / skinny) Spray nozzles can be used to

wide variety of styles and paint.
6. Fade: To blend colors.

7. Fresh: Really good graffiti.

8. Graf: Graffiti

9. Hit / Hit Up: To tag.
10. Landmark: A location where graffiti will not be the main

quickly be erased.
# Mob: A whole crew doing graffiti on the wall at the same time.
Piece # Book: A taggers sketch book.
# Fresh: Really good graffiti.

Rack #: To turn off the steal from the store shelves.
# Streak: Short for mean streak, cat still solid as chalk and is used on the surface of the dark.
# Tags Banging: To use violence to defend the tag.
Toy #: new, experienced authors.
# Throw Up: One layer of spray paint fill the bubble letters that are listed in other colors.
# Wild style: A complicated piece constructed with interlocking letters.
# Yard / Train Yard: Gathering place.
# Zine: Short for magazines.

The Other Blog: Surf Like a Girl

Taking a brief summer vacation from this blog to get things rolling with another blog: The Surf Like a Girl blog. Back soon...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spray Graffiti Alphabet For You'r Health

Graffiti Alphabet

Can not be denied that the spray paint is not a nutritious food. Spray paint is toxic. Gynecology chemicals that exist in the spray paint can also become a source of various diseases. Weapons are the graffiti artist can attack its own master, if not ditangkal well.

Because it is the graffiti artist must also provide them with physical protection in order to reject the penetration of chemicals into their body system. One of the accessories that have become mandatory graffiti artist is the respirator.

Aroma spray paint the nice-nice asoy. But remember that it is toxic. Adiktif substance the same as in the glue. The long-term effects can be very bad for health, therefore, respirator use, or at least wear a mask, such as the mouth is used as a normal dentist.

Do not forget to wear gloves. May look strange but it is part of the body most in contact with chemical substances in the paint from the spray.

And a mandatory, use the right clothes and enough to cover the vulnerable body part is exposed to cat. Minimal wear t-shirt, short sleeve. Conversely, if graffiti is not being created, not wearing shirts that berlumuran cat. Paint residue remaining can be penetration into the skin if the stick is too long. So graffiti artists can work without the need to ignore his health.

Graffiti Alphabet - Government Policies

graffiti alphabet
graffiti according to the Government Policy

Government Policies

Graffiti in the United States is the first found, because the number of bomber-bomber attacked the corners of the city in the United States, the government finally began to provide an area for the bomber to express their work. In Philadelphia, for example. In the year 1984, Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network (PAGN), which was very against this art eventually create a program that has Mural Arts Program. This program provides a place which is very reasonable, but if the bomber was making graffiti outside the region, the heavy penalties that they also must be ready to receive.

In the city of New York in 1995, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of making an army called the Anti-Graffiti Task Force, the army made to combat the bomber who loiter in the city. In addition, the seller can only spray paint to sell spray paint on people who are aged 18 years and over showed their identity with it. The bomber is caught must also pay a fine of U.S. $ 350, which is very damning of the bomber. Finally, one of the famous NYC bomber named Zephyr perform a series of efforts to make this legal activity, that is by writing a letter to the government. Peter Vallone, Jr.. which at that time was serving as a member of government to make the request valid on January 1, 2006, but with a requirement of the bomber who do these activities must be 21 years and over.

Graffiti Alphabet - His graffiti art Highest

graffiti alphabet
His graffiti art Highest

Graffiti is now starting to enter the prosperous period, than in India itself, or in the United States precisely in Brooklyn Museum exhibitions are often held graffiti that is now referred to as contemporary art. Bomber various professionals such as Crash, Lee, Daze, Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat became heroes in the art of graffiti. Approximately 22 bomber participated in this exhibition. Others in the United States also other in Australia. A country that makes this even graffiti as a public competition that always has a number of participants that there are so many.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Digital Graffiti Alphabet Lighting

Graffiti Alphabet
Tools you should try this one.

Name Graffiti Creator tools are designed corel draw. Usage is quite simple, you type the letter you want to make graffitinya. After that only set the color and other accessories. Yes! Done! That's it! not easy! This example results: How do I save the graffiti using Graffiti Creator photoshop cs4?
Quite easy to do, namely:
When you work so, press Print Screen or Play scr on your keyboard.
Open Photoshop or other image editor that you use common (but in this trick I use Photoshop)
Press File> New> OK (leave widht and its height should not change)
Press Edit> Paste
Select the Crop tool (shortcut: C) with the match you want to cut
Press File> Save / Save to save.
Done! easy is not it?
Happy Testing!

U.S. Open: Go, Courtney Conlogue

Sweet sixteen, indeed: Courtney Conlogue is only 16 years old and took the top prize at the U.S. Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach. A $10,000 prize for a day of surfing--yes, definitely sweet.

And, just for fun, here's Kelly Slater's perfect 10 wave from the competition:

Monday, July 27, 2009


Pada gambar di atas merupakan bentuk visualisasi gambar potret adikku sewaktu masih kecil, yaitu sewaktu masih duduk di bangku SD. Dia sekarang sudah besar dan sudah meraih pendidikannya S1 di Unnes. Dia lulus Unnes pada tahun 2008, dan berhak menyandang gelar Sarjana Pendidikan atau S.Pd. Memang penampilan sekarang dengan lukisan di atas sudah jauh berbeda. Pada gambar penampilannya masih lugu, setingkat dengan pemikiran anak-anak SD pada umumnya. Gambar tersebut memang sebagai salah satu tanda kenangan masa laluku, ketika bermain bersama, dengan adik tersayang sewaktu dia masih kecil, yang masih manja dan ceriwis sebagai layaknya anak ragil. Kenangan keluarga yang masih utuh, masih ada Ibu yang membimbing langsung, masih banyak segala perlengkapan dan segala jajan yang disediakan Ibu untuk anak-anaknya. Yah, Ibu sudah tiada kenangan hidup sekarang tergambar pada raut wajah adikku yang mirip dengan Ibuku. Ibuku, semoga engkau selalu tentram di alam sana, Insya Allah di surga yang di damba setiap insan.
Gambar Model di atas dibuat pada kertas manila ukuran A3 dengan menggunakan media sederhana yaitu pensil 2B merk Staedler. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik arsir bebas yang dilengkapi dengan penekanan pada bidang tertentu sebagai penyangat dengan blok gelap. Arsiran gelap terang disesuaikan dengan arah cahaya yang mengenai obyek gambar dalam potret. Setelah arsiran disempurnakan dengan finishing keseluruhan objek dan backgroundnya dengan maksimal, kemudian gambar diakhiri dengan lapisan pilox netral untuk melindungi gambar supaya tidak mudah luntur atau merubah gelap terang pada gambar tersebut. Gambar ditampilkan sebagaimana adanya yang terlihat pada foto yang dicontoh, tambahan hanya sebagai penyangat saja.

3D Graffiti Alphabet Black And Red Arrow

graffiti alphabet
3D Graffiti Alphabet Black And Red Arrow
Graffiti has a characteristic that is a simple design. Color is also a simple black and white. we see with black and white and the simple but very beautiful views. If we color match the color will look good and the people around us will surely Marvel. Because we can change the color design graffiti letters "A" into one of the graffiti bombing.Printable graffiti bubble letters alphabet graffiti full color light is made with materials pilox or spidol and little expertise to make graffiti alphabet. Printable graffiti is full of color and light as cool graffiti bubble.

Graffiti Alphabet Strikes Back!

graffiti alphabet

A colorful graffiti alphabet with many colors makes this graffiti
looks more great!. You can use this graffiti colors for your graffiti
work. Than you can show your graffiti alphabet here. Just let me know
if you have finished your graffiti work.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Digitai Graffiti Alphabet

graffiti alphabet
graffiti alphabet

Digital Graffiti Alphabet

graffiti alphabet

Freedom of expression is something that is very liked by every artist in the world, because with that freedom in the paper can also be obtained very slick and beautiful, but if an expression of art in the limit by regulation the binding of the art and will be damaged die because of restrictions.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Digital Mural_Graffiti Alphabet

graffiti alphabet

graffiti art is always synonymous with freedom, because art is much like the child who still young really like the things that are always completely free. but that freedom should not have to violate the any rules .But the young people sometimes violate the existing regulations in order to reach the destination, but also that not all young people, we hope the origin can also be advised not to violate the rules that have too large.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Digital 3D Graffiti Alphabet Wallpaper

graffiti alphabet

Digital 3D Graffiti Alphabet Wallpaper

3D Graffiti Alphabet

graffiti alphabet

3D Graffiti Alphabet

Greener Surf Gear

Planet Green has a good piece on eco-friendly surf gear. I would like to have a surf board custom-shaped for me using less toxic ingredients one day and I covet the Patagonia wetsuit made with recycled materials (and no petroleum-based ones). For now, I'll start with the better-for-the-sea surf wax from Green Surf. We've also got some tips on going green on the Surf Like A Girl website.--Stef McDonald

Graffiti Alphabet_Graffiti Alphabet Fonts

graffiti alphabet
Graffiti Fonts

Digital 3D Graffiti Alphabet Wallpaper

graffiti alphabet
Digital Alphabet Graffiti Letters Fonts

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3D Graffiti Wallpaper

graffiti alphabet
Graffiti is a symbol of the creativity of artists in their works of art, graffiti is a symbol of rebellion against the restrictions of the art graffiti artists, because art is graffiti-free, but now graffiti is also able to show the existence in the making of art that are free, but also consider environmental factors to look beautiful and neat. because the environment is beautiful and tidy source of healthy environment, healthy environment in the very dreaming by every human being, then the graffiti at this time is also very influential in the creation of the environment.

Blue graffiti alphabet 3-dimesion

graffiti alphabet

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Printable Graffiti Alphabet Stencils

graffiti alphabet

health do not love you wasted your life, health, you are the most valuable, because the body is healthy so we can freely move freely and protect your health is worth it to follow your soul's health insurance.

Sketch_Graffiti Alphabet Letter

graffiti alphabet
sport there is a strong healthy life, take care of health, because health care is very expensive. health may keep the better to prevent than treat, but also all of that can not be detached from our own role and also the environment around us, to anticipate the things that we want does not happen to us. we can follow the health insurance program, with the insurance we can slightly relieved if there is something that we do not want.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Bentuk karya di atas adalah bentuk karya ukir yang aku buat pada tahun 1992. Karya ukir ini menggunakan media ukir/bahan ukir dari kayu jati. Teknik yang digunakan dengan teknik pahat. Pemahatan terhadap kayu tersebut disengaja dengan kesan yang lebih kasar. Hal ini untuk memvisualkan kesan primitif klasik, walaupun dalam unsur objek ukir bukanlah murni dari bentuk primitif tetapi merupakan perpaduan atau pencampuran primitif dan tradisional klasik. Primitif terlihat pada dedaunan dan latar belakang dengan menggunakan garis-garis lurus dan tegas, sedangkan kesan tradisional klasik pada bentuk objek utamanya yang berupa bentuk kera yang sedang bercengkrama antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Karya ukir ini dalam mengakhiri atau finishingnya tidak melalui proses pengamplasan, tetapi langsung dari hasil bentukan dari tatah ukir secara langsung dengan pemberian kesan yang spontan dan lebih kasar.


Gambar model ini mengambil model dari potret sahabatku, yang terdapat pada album masa laluku. Potret ini adalah merupakan satu kenangan dari berbagai potret kenangan yang lain. Kenangan yang hanya boleh dikenang tetapi tidaklah untuk diulang, walaupun kenangan itu meninggalkan kesan yang indah dan tertanam di dalam hatiku. Yah, memang indah tetapi semuanya telah berlalu dan perpisahan itu semuanya karena akibat tingkahku dan juga akibat kesalahanku. Seorang gadis lugu di masa SMA-ku dulu, walaupun bukan teman satu sekolah denganku. Dia adalah salah satu anak yang ikut PASKIBRA perwakilan dari SFMA Ungaran pada tahun 1988. Gadis ini memang mempunyai postur tubuh yang mendukung sebagai anggota paskibra, dia bertinggi badan 175 cm dan bentuk tubuh tinggi atletis untuik ukuran seorang cewek. Turiyam namanya cukup sederhana dan sesederhana tingkah lakunya yang cenderung lugu tetapi kebalikan dengan kepandaian dan kemampuannya dalam berbagai bidang seperti olahraga dan ilmu pengetahuan yang tergolong lumayan pandai.
Gambar ini dibuat dengan menggunakan alat gambar dari pensil hitam 2B dan kertas gambar manila berukuran A3. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik arsir campuran yang meliputi arsir lurus, arsir silang kontras dan arsir silang berhimpit dipadu dengan blok warna hitam menggunakan pensil tersebut. Kemudian setelah gambar selesai dengan finishing yang telah dianggap sempurna, gambar tersebut dilapisi sejenis fiksatif. Lapisan fiksatif ini berfungsi untuk melapisi gambar yang ada di bawahnya supaya tidak tergores atau luntur karena bersinggungan dengan tangan atau benda-benda lainnya. Fiksatif juga berfungsi untuk memberi kesan lebih mengkilap dan memperjelas goresan pensil yang dihasilkannya. Gambar akhirnya akan tampak lebih menarik dan goresannya semakin tampak lebih kuat.

Wave: Art Restored

Driving up PCH last weekend, I spotted a new American Apparel shop. Yep, there's another one (everywhere you turn it seems, just like Starbuck's). But news via Racked LA: the store is in the same space that once housed a surf shop, with a wave mural above it by a surfer and surfboard shaper, and American Apparel commissioned the artist to restore the mural. Good nod to history. (Image from Racked LA).

Digital red graffiti alphabet

graffiti alphabet
Graffiti alphabet which is very good, by combining elements of the building with the glowing red image of the digital graffiti created this image looks slick and interesting.

a message from us: if you are a lover as well as graffiti artists, graffiti, if you should do when working to create graffiti alphabet image should use a mask when spray color, because the chemical is dangerous if entry into the lungs when we breathe
Would that also to protect your soul to the program because of health insurance with the health insurance program can alleviate your burden.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Digital graffiti alphabet with smaile letter

graffiti alphabet
using the insurance program we can smile a little when something does not befall us we want, because the use of insurance can be a little more ease our burden. insurance is not everything but with the insurance we can use a little smile.

Crazy Wetsuits

Via If It's Hip, It's Here: Check out the wetsuits by an artist named Diddo, whose creations include patterns that are truly wild, like the anatomic one. Makes the basic black wetsuit seem boring. --Stef McDonald

Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute: Blob Attacks?

Via Boing Boing, here is a post about a mysterious blob on Alaska's coastline that is harming wildlife. It's not clear what it is, but it's an obvious reminder that we've got to properly dispose of our waste and reduce our dependency on toxins. --Stef McDonald

Venice Beach Skate Park: Sneak Peak

Sneak preview of the Venice Beach Skate Park being built.

Rice Krispie Ice Cream Dream

Possibly the best dessert ever: Homemade Rice Krispie Treats with Ice Cream. Melt the marshmallows, add the Rice Krispies, then fold in the ice cream and serve immediately. (Friends Jon and Jenn battled over credit for the inspirational idea at a dinner party last night.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

blue graffiti alphabet

insurance is very beneficial for our life, in addition can be a savings and security in old age, and later for the future and we can also make an investment in the long term.
insurance is very beneficial for our life, in addition can be a savings and security in old age, and later for the future and we can also make an investment in the long term.

Digital graffiti alphabet letter M

graffiti alphabet
the future is a matter which is very important, and keep your health insurance is something that is very important to have at this time. with the use of insurance with us is very easy to get something if we experience or accident. insurance does not hurt us but we are profitable in the future.
You are interested in art and love with the picture? you can see and visit the website Graffiti alphabet to see this type of sharing pictures as art Graffiti Alphabet,3D Digital Arrow Graffiti Alphabet,3D Digital Graffiti Alphabet,Digital Graffiti Alphabet,Graffiti Sketches,Tag Graffiti Alphabet,Graffiti Art,Graffiti Murals,Graffiti,Graffiti Alphabet Letters,Alphabet Graffiti Arrow, 3D Graffiti, Graffiti Letters,Graffiti Fonts,Graffiti 3D Alphabet,the Alphabet in Bubble Letters,Printable Alphabet Stencils,Graffiti Letter Fonts,3D Graffiti Wallpaper,

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Fish: Introducing Mary-Jo-Lisa

I named the last fish (Henry VIII) and Mr. MVP got to name this one. He chose Mary-Jo-Lisa, from a Ting Ting's song. I worried that the song would get stuck in my head each time I passed the bowl and spotted her, but it's one of those songs that is too fun to bother me. It's a good thing to say about a song so I believe it bodes well for the new fish.

Monday, July 13, 2009


JATAYU merupakan lambang burung pembela kebenaran. Burung ini melambangkan keberanian yang luar biasa dalam membela kebenaran, walaupun nyawa yang menjadi taruhannya. Burung Jatayu ini terdapat pada cerita Ramayana. Cerita Ramayana yang terdapat sosok Jatayu ini yaitu pada babak penculikan Dewi Sinta yang dilakukan oleh Rahwana. Penculikan tersebut diketahui oleh Jatayu, yang kemudian dengan keberaniannya berusaha untuk menggagalkan penculikan tersebut. Berbagai usaha dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan Sinta, tapi apa daya kesaktian Rahwana lebih unggul, hingga jatayu tewas ditangan Rahwana. Sebelum tewas Jatayu sempat menjelaskan mengenai penculikan tersebut kepada Sri Rama. Keterangan Jatayu ini yang dijadikan petunjuk Sri Rama untuk menemukan kembali Dewi Sinta.
Patung Jatayu di atas terdapat di Simpang Lima Semarang, tepatnya yaitu diantara Ramayana dan SE. Patung tersebut terdapat di depan pusat jajan khas Ungaran yang terkenal dengan tahu baksonya. Bentuk patung ini dibuat dengan teknik yang bagus dan halus sehingga dapat menampakkan kegagahan bangunan dibelakangnya. Memang pada dasarnya penempatan patung ini hanyalah sebagai penghias eksterior, untuk memperindah dan menunjang keserasian gedung atau bangunan utamanya. Untuk lebih jelasnya memang kita harus melihat secara langsung untuk berapresiasi mengenai bentuk karya seni yang berfungsi sebagai pendukung keindahan bangunan secara keseluruhan. Mari kita kunjungi tempat tersebut sekaligus untuk merasakan aneka kuliner yang ada di dalamnya.

How Making Graffiti Alphabet?

graffiti alphabet, creating a picture using graffiti alphabet spray brushes should require special skills, if you want to see pictures of other graffiti, in this blog is also still a lot of pictures, such as graffiti, tag graffiti alphabet, graffiti, digital graffiti, graffiti alphabet mural .

Digital Graffiti Alphabet_Design

Graffiti Alphabet with the arrow design is created with digital techniques which can create a 3D effect and light effects that will add to the beauty of this graffiti.Mix colors used are very elegant, interesting, so make graffiti look is beautiful and beautiful.This is a work of art that arrow on the 3D Digital Graffiti Alphabet which is very cool and elegant.3D characters that are very strong on the stick you can make graffiti made in addition to your collection wallpaper.This is a work of art is very beautiful and elegan to see, I really like the design of this graffiti is so soft.

Splurge: Lather Up

My new favorite soap comes from Soaptopia, a shop in Mar Vista (they also sell their products online and in select stores). How perfect is this one for a post-surf shower? Ocean's 12 contains seaweed, palm oil, coconut oil, shea butter, and lemongrass essential oil, among the all-natural ingredients. Very refreshing.

Stick It: Hot Dogs and Chocolate Bananas

Two summer treats in the neighborhood are served on sticks: the frozen banana covered in chocolate and nuts from Charly Temmel's ice cream shop in Venice and the corn dog from the Hot Dog on a Stick stand in Santa Monica. They're best enjoyed while riding your bike one-handed at the beach.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pro Interview: Stephanie Gilmore

Our latest Surf Like A Girl pro interview is with Stephanie Gilmore. (Photo courtesy of Rip Curl.)

Spotted: Skateboard Mama

We saw this woman on the road in Santa Monica--check out those wheels! We had to learn more about her and found this video on YouTube. One comment: rad.--Stef McDonald

Friday, July 10, 2009


Pemandangan yang sangat eksotik di bagian bawah dari tempat wisata alam Goa Kreo. Goa Kreo merupakan tempat wisata yang lebih menonjolkan pada keindahan alamnya seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di atas. Gambar tersebut memperlihatkan adanya air terjun (walaupun tidak terlalu tinggi dan besar) yang mengalir pada sungai yang dipenuhi dengan bebatuan besar dan tebing-tebing yang curam serta tumbuhan yang tumbuh secara alami. Kita memang membutuhkan tempat-tempat seperti ini untuk memberikan pikiran yang segar dan sejuk, seiring semakin berkurangnya objek alam yang original. Sekarang kita cenderung melihat objek yang modern seperti gedung-gedung yang menjulang tinggi yang membuat suasana alam semakin panas. Kita butuh tempat seperti di Goa Kreo yang memperlihatkan keasrian alam dengan fauna kera yang langsung berhubungan akrab dengan pengunjung. Walaupun banyak juga pengunjung yang takut berdekatan atau saling berbarengan dengan hewan tersebut. Memang inti dari wisata di Goa Kreo yaitu menyatunya alam lingkungan dengan segala isinya termasuk di dalamnya ada manusia, kera, pepohonan maupun bebatuan besar beserta tebing-tebingnya yang curam. Goa Kreo merupakan tempat wisata yang terdapat di wilayah Semarang yang dapat di tempuh lewat Kalibanteng menuju ke Manyaran atau dapat juga melalui jalan Gedong Batu menuju ke Gunung Pati. Mari kita coba wisata ke tempat tersebut.


PATUNG yang terdapat dalam gambar di atas adalah merupakan bentuk patung yang terdapat pada pintu masuk/pintu gerbang pada tempat rekreasi dan hiburan di Krembel Asri yang terdapat di wilayah Semarang Selatan, tepatnya di jalan Gunungpati menuju ke Manyaran maupun Gedong Batu. Krembel Asri merupakan salah satu alternatif tujuan wisata yang menarik sekali sejalur dengan wisata ke Goa Kreo, maupun sebagai penghubung wisata ke Nglimut Gonoharjo, Taman Nusantara Cangkiran dan juga kalau menuju ke utara daerah Semarang sejalur dengan Bandara Ahmad Yani. Krembel Asri di dalamnya terdapat beberapa pilihan untuk wisata keluarga baik yang berupa kuliner, hiburan anak, kolam pemancingan maupun kolam renang untuk sekedar rekreasi. Kuliner utama di tempat tersebut adalah aneka rasa ikan baik bakar, goreng atau yang lainnya. Silahkan dicoba, anda nanti ditanggung puas dan punya keinginan untuk mencoba ke tempat ini lagi.
Penempatan patung besar sebagai pintu masuk ke tempat tersebut sungguh sangat menarik perhatian dan keingintahuan pengunjung mengenai segala sesuatu yang terdapat di dalamnya. Pemilihan bentuk patung memang sungguh tepat dengan pemilihan warna yang cerah. Pemilihan warna yang cerah mencerminkan suasana cerah, segar, menyenangkan dan penuh dengan hiburan yang dapat membuat hati menjadi bahagia. Memang bentuk patung dengan pewarnaan seperti itu dapat menghilangkan nilai estetika yang tinggi terutama nilai keklasikan dan tradisional karya tersebut menjadi berkurang dan mungkin juga akan hilang. Pembuatan karya seni ini mungkin tujuan utamanya tidak sekedar bentuk patungnya tetapi lebih pada penekanan untuk meningkatkan keinginan dan minat mengunjungi tempat rekreasi dan kulinernya. Sehingga salah satu jalannya adalah dengan membuat satu karya yang menyolok dengan warna-warna yang cerah dan penuh glamour, sehingga memberikan kesan sebagai karya modern yang tidak dibatasi dengan berbagai kaidah atau aturan.

A-Z Graffiti Alphabet

When we're walking through the city we met a lot of pictures graffiti alphabet is so beautiful and interesting especially when graffiti alphabet image processing is done well, then the resulting picture will look is neat and beautiful.